I'm going to Blizzcon for basically free except my plane fare. I agreed with this because I figured it wouldn't be hard to raise $400 by October 21st.
That said, I'll be starting another donation drive with the same rewards and such from the last one (which went okay).
Donating button is at the bottom of this page here: http://www.magicalmelonball.com
Changes to this donation drive:
Everyone who donates gets a drawing. However, the more you donate, the more detailed the drawing. If you donate, please put information down so I know who you are and what kind of drawing you want.
No nudes this time cause it's badge art.
More details on the drawings:
I decided to go the easy route for donation drawings and do "artist cards" as the drawing. Examples of artist cards are here: http://browse.deviantart.com/?qh=§ ion=&global=1&q=artist+cards
People who donate $5-$10 will get a pencil sketch artist card.
People who donate $10-$20 will get a inked artist card.
People who donate $20-$30 will get inked with black and white marker color artist card.
People who donate $30+ will get colored artist cards. :) Yes, plural. More money = more detail and/or cards.
HOLY CRAP I'M IN THE BLIZZARD FAN ART GALLERY!!! http://us.blizzard.com/en-us/community /fanart/index.html#1003